【開催御礼 新企画!の詳細 Details of the new project 】2021大阪メチャハピー祭World Edition
English notation is at the bottom
◆みんなでメチャハピー キーワードチャレンジ「セカンドチャンス」
毎週金曜19時からのライブ配信(アーカイブ視聴可)内にて、合計4回キーワードを発表します。そのキーワードを集めてできる「単語」を記入して応募すると、大阪メチャハピー祭特製スマホスタンドが当たります。キーワードの発表日は、9/10、9/17、9/24、10/1の4回です。お見逃しなく! ※1stチャレンジは締め切りました。当選者は10月10日のDブロック終了後に発表します。

◆みんなでメチャハピー リアルタイムチャレンジ
※リアルタイムチャレンジの計算式 (チャットメッセージ数÷リアルタイム視聴者数)×100
◆ハッシュタグキャンペーン #みんなでメチャハピー
◆ Mecha Happy Keyword Challenge
The keywords will be announced 4 times in total in the live distribution (archive viewing is possible) from 19:00 every Friday. If you fill in the “words” that can be created by collecting the keywords and apply, you will win the special goods of the Osaka Mecha Happy Festival. The keywords will be announced four times: 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, and 10/1. Do not miss it!
The application period is from October 1st to October 8th, when all four keywords appear, and please apply using the application form that will be posted on this page at a later date. Winners will be announced at the Osaka Mecha Happy Festival World Edition on October 10th (Sun).
◆ Mecha Happy Real-time Challenge
On the day of the event on October 10th (Sun), count the “maximum number of simultaneous viewers” and “number of chat messages on YouTube” when each team performs, and quantify them using the formula below. In addition, chat messages are limited to those for the purpose of “support”, and one message is counted for each account in one performance.
Real-time challenge calculation formula (number of chat messages ÷ number of real-time viewers) x 100
[Example: If the number of chat messages is 20 and the number of real-time viewers is 200, the point of the team will be “10”.
Also, if you send a support comment with “our team name” during a performance other than your own team, 1 challenge point will be added as a bonus point. The support point is once for each team performing. 55 teams are scheduled to participate this time, so if you send support comments to all but your own team, up to 54 points will be added.
[Example: “We are Mechahapy Odoriko-tai! XX team, please do your best!” Etc.]
The results of the real-time challenge will be announced live on October 15th (Friday) after the event. We will present the Osaka Mecha Happy Festival special commemorative prize to the top teams and the teams that left an impression.
◆ Hashtag campaign # Minna de Mecha Happy
Please post a “happy photo” on twitter and Instagram with “#Minna de Mecha Happy”. The nice photos posted will be introduced in the live stream on October 10th. Also, if you post with “# your team name” along with “# Minna de Mecha Happy”, the bonus points (a whopping 10pt!) Of the above-mentioned real-time challenge will be added (be careful of incorrect hashtags). Please give me).
This bonus point is counted only once for one team.